The world has drastically changed over the past few months. While some of you are still stuck in your homes with health concerns on top of your mind, many others might be seriously thinking about your job and future. Your kids’ schooling is another concern and you may probably be thinking about enrollments where an institution has already adjusted to the new normal and helps kids align with the transformed system.
Well, you might be delighted to know that us, Learning Links Academy, is one such premier institution in the Philippines that is reputed for having revolutionized education by establishing a new normal and helping kids adjust to new normal. We know you are excited!
These are times when children ask you a lot of questions. The routine patterns have changed and most of them, especially the younger ones are confused and unable to understand what’s happening around. It is your responsibility to create a new normal for your kids in order to make them feel safe and comfortable.
1. Listen to your kids

Be patient and take some time every day to listen to your kids. Understand their feelings and try to get an insight into what they are going through. Remember, your kids look up to you when they need support.
2. Be the role model

As said earlier, it is time to establish a new normal. Turn towards spirituality and try to attain inner strength and peace so that you can offer emotional support to your loved ones in this time of distress. Be the change and motivate the others around to follow you.
3. Plan a Pray schedule

You need not have a fixed time to pray but having a schedule for it helps your kids to cultivate the habit. Pray together in the morning, before lunch and dinner, and thank the Lord for everything he has blessed you with. Here is a simple prayer you can teach your kids:
“Oh Lord,
Thank you for everything you have given us.
Help us love and be kind to one another.
At LLA, we offer Customized Learning Programs. We have synced with the new normal and started accepting enrollments as well. To know more, click here.

Learning Links promotes meaningful education and personal growth to help find what students really want for their careers and lives!
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