For most of the “more privileged ones” like us who still have jobs, food on the table and a considerable amount of savings, the extended Enhance Community Quarantine means additional runs to the grocery or more food and supplies delivery calls to be made, but for most of our daily wage earner kababayan who do not have enough resources to feed their families during this lockdown, it would mean dependency on social amelioration and relief goods from LGUs.
We have started a non-profit fundraising campaign for our daily wage earner kababayans who do not have enough resources to feed their families during this lockdown. In this video, students of LEARNING LINKS ACADEMY share what is in their hearts by answering the question “What are you GRATEFUL for?” and pour out their souls through music that resonates the power of believing and trusting God’s promises.
We believe the act of giving is our act of gratitude and worship for the many good things that God poured into our lives that surpass the challenges. Let our giving be our obedience to His command: love one another as I have loved you.
Help us help our kababayans in Barangay Inchican and Tibig, especially the tricycle drivers, vendors, those vulnerable sectors of the society. To contribute, kindly visit our GoGetFunding campaign, or you may donate to our bank accounts listed below.

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