Learning Links Academy

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I recently read an article from entrepreneur.com written by Samuel Leeds, the founder of Property Investors. In his article, he mentioned three ( 3) lies that individuals are taught in school that can dampen their business success in the future: 1. Don’t copy; 2. Learn everything before implementing; and, 3. Don’t make mistakes.

They are mostly true in most of the traditional schools all over the world. Now, when I say traditional schools, these are the ones that rely so much on the pen and paper standardized exam to assess and evaluate understanding of students. 

For several decades, various organizations such as the National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) have emphasized on the debunking of standardized testing by providing training on alternative evaluation and assessment that will encapsulate the deeper understanding of the individual student. 

Unfortunately, it is still a herculean task to overhaul and revolutionize thinking of not just the schools alone but parents as well.

Google-search-engine-on-laptop private school philippines

In the real world, nothing is original; everything is a copy of the original. Let us take Google for instance. Before Google, the search engine Yahoo was already being used; but, Google made it more efficient and effective. 

We don’t call it a copy, but rather, innovation. And, innovation is highly encouraged in multiple Intelligence inspired schools. In fact, it is considered as a creative and high order thinking (HOT) skill.

In traditional schools, tests are given at the end of a topic or a unit. This means that the
students have to learn everything before doing a culminating project to showcase their
learning. Additionally, the student’s learning is measured by his/her correct answers. In other
words, don’t make mistakes or… you will fail. Not really encouraging for growth mindset.

However, most of the inventions if not all went through failures and mistakes. Let us just take
the most famous example of Thomas Edison’s light bulb invention.. As we know today he had
this famous quote: “Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand
things that won’t work.” (quoteinvestigator.com)

Consequently, this pandemic led every student to virtual learning which delimited the process
to the traditional and uniform standardized form. However, it may be not be so.. Case Study and Project Based Learning approaches are doable, enjoyable and optimal. These approaches develop entrepreneurial growth mindsets. 

Click this link to check one of the project of our student did with PBL approach.

Ready to enroll your kids?

Request more information if you’d like to hear more from our admissions team about our online learning options at Learning Links Academy. Please call us directly at (+63) 917-305-8574 for more info and email us at lla.admissions@learninglinks.edu.ph. 

Thank you for reading! The views and information provided in this post do not reflect Learning Links Academy programs and/or outcomes directly. If you are interested in learning more about our programs, you can find a complete list of our programs on our website or reach out directly using contact form!

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