Schools and colleges all over the world have shut down to support the reduction of the coronavirus transmission. However, there are a large number of homeschooling applications and websites that will enable your children to continue their education by learning online in the comfort of their home, far away from their regular classrooms.
While schools suggest their own software to set study goals and offer opportunities to improve their scores, these extra strategies will help improve their training and provide a little creativity to keep them interested.
Here are 10 such resources that will help your children keep learning while being homeschooled:
1. Khan Academy

The Khan Academy has widespread credibility in the homeschooling world as a knowledgeable platform. It is a non-profit learning centre launched by American educator Salman Khan in order to provide all children with free, high-quality educational programs.
Learners can use the platform directly, or teachers can obtain a teacher account, and then start setting up individual student’s accounts through which to monitor the performance of their student.
2. TED-Ed

This platform helps you to create a curriculum around some TED, TED-Ed, or Youtube clip discussions. You may also identify popular tutorials and use them for a variety of subjects. A perfect tool for every teacher, adult, home-schooler, or pupil.
3. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a great tool for expanding your digital library at a discount with as many as 45,000 downloadable eBooks, along with a wide selection of classic children’s stories.
4. Duolingo

Duolingo is one of the best language learning apps available. This foreign language application provides enjoyable and entertaining exercises for a multitude of languages, which includes German, Spanish, French, Italian, and detailed lessons in English.
Duolingo is a perfect choice for homeschooling teachers who would like to learn a second language for teaching their students but need a more economical alternative than private tuition or language courses.

Beginner courses, textbook recommendations, downloadable exercises, and networks with local community groups make this website a fantastic tool, particularly for children transitioning to homeschooling.
6. XtraMath

A non-profit mathematics learning program, XtraMath offers online math tutorials, lectures, and exercises, as well as learning updates and tools for students and teachers. The platform has always been a huge learning experience for homework assistance, as well as more in-depth instructional videos.
7. The Learning Network

The New York Times (NYT) blog offers free standards-aligned digital lessons on government and politics, social sciences, culture, and other current affairs and development-related subjects. Quizzes, exercises, and a version of the NYT crossword student edition provide further learning experiences in the school environment or at home.
8. Coursera / edX

MOOCs also known as the Massive Open Online Courses such as the one delivered by Coursera and edX is already a perfect opportunity to introduce high school students and intermediate learners to secondary school-level learning. Courses from highly reputable colleges like Harvard, Yale, and MIT are available to everyone, available on-demand almost anywhere.
9. PowerMyLearning

This online software-based website provides hundreds of open, standard-aligned activities, illustrations, and immersive experiences in all K–12 courses. Create classes and assessments and track development, while using the platform to support post-school learning.
10. DiscoveryEducation

Discovery Education offers online services for guardians, students, and teachers including homework assignments, study groups, tutorials, and much more.

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