Gone are the days when homeschooling used to be a choice, now it is necessary to study online if you want to learn safely. It is very easy to say, but in practice, schooling from home gets very stressful sometimes. To overcome this unwanted stress, Learning Links Academy has come up with some stress buster tips to help students and their parents in this uncertain time.

1. Meditating daily for a couple of minutes helps in fighting stress. It can manage stress for a longer period of time if practiced regularly. Sitting in a proper posture at a peaceful spot and focusing on your breathing pattern will do the work.

2. Light exercises during the study break can refresh the mind and rejuvenate the body. Parents can encourage their kids by exercising first.

3. Homeschooling increases the average screen time, which makes eyes unfit. In this case, looking away from the screen for a few moments while attending online lectures relieves your optic nerves. This eventually calms the mind, just don’t do it too often so that the teacher doesn’t get scared.

4. Hugs are natural stress busters and this is scientifically proven. So, as a parent, you should always greet your kids with warm hugs to cheer them up. A warm touch with precautionary measures can turn these unpredictable days to the calmest days of your life.

5. Set a few minutes each day for a positive talk session. During this time, you can praise your efforts in managing household chores and your kid’s online learning perfectly.

6. Creativity can bring stress and anxiety to an end. When you spend your time creating something new, your mind doesn’t get time to feel distracted. So, in the free time create small DIY projects with your kids.

7. Along with basic exercises, Yoga plays a prominent role in maintaining a balance between your body and brain.

8. Develop a habit of creating a ‘To-Do List’ on a daily basis. This will assist you in managing your entire routine, which will eventually cut off the clutter from your day. A day well planned is lived better than a day spent in confusion.

9. Take out time for an early morning or evening walk. A few minutes of walking changes your surroundings and pushes you to concentrate on your work more effectively. Don’t forget to wear a mask while going for a walk.

10. Be in touch with your good friends and acquaintances virtually. Social support keeps us mentally and emotionally stable. So, with schooling, communication should also be done virtually.

11. Try to rearrange your work priorities and meet the deadlines. If you have a heavy workload, then avoid any unnecessary work. Keeping this in mind, at Learning Links Academy, the curriculum is curated in a very engaging way to avoid piling up of tasks.

12. A healthy diet is mandatory if you want to pull off every job that you do. A balanced diet nourishes your mind and body with the required elements. Nourishment keeps the brain functioning smooth and stress-free.

13. Sleep properly and also make your kids sleep for at least seven hours every night. Sleeping time will cut the on-screen interaction, which is necessary for eyes to get rest.

14. Increase your water intake several folds because water enhances fluidity in the body. This makes the passage of essential nutrients easy and it makes you feel fresh and young.

15. Spend some quality time with family with no screens, but laughter. Enlighten your family with your wit and humor. A happy family learns together, grows together.

These tricks will definitely help you and your kids in getting rid of stress if you implement them properly. You are a proud guardian, so make your child aware of it. This will motivate them to work hard and it’ll also strengthen the parents-children bond. A stress-relieving mind has a very high tendency to learn innovative ideas and that too from distance schooling.
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