With the many studies conducted behind the advantages of Customized Learning Programs today, most can claim that instruction-based education is one of the best alternatives in drawing out progress and fostering achievement in children. Compared to the traditional classroom set-up wherein students are given information at the same time for the intellect to be measured through examinations, personalized learning efficiently determines the strengths and weaknesses of students so that their best potentials can be drawn out into the open and further nurtured.
Customized Learning Programs focus on a student’s interests and aptitude prior to coming up with individualized instructions that are tailor-fit for the student. When applied to classrooms, teachers must rely on the current functionalities of technological tools for education which can identify each student’s intelligence levels. By studying a student’s data, customized learning programs have a higher degree of developmental success as compared to traditional methods.
To further understand why individualized instruction is making waves today as the go-to alternative for educators who want to provide students with the best results, here are some of its known advantages.
More focused teaching.

In classroom set-ups, teachers are faced with the challenges of identifying how one student’s learning capacity may differ from the others and then assisting that student to keep abreast of certain lessons. Customized learning becomes more promising in this aspect of how it remains focused on each student’s needs and formulates methods that can maximize study time for improved progress. This can be achieved by allotting more time for more challenging topics in order to fill in the learning gaps within their assigned curriculum and in turn, avoid lags in learning. The main objective in doing so is to attain the student’s highest possible developmental progress based on his interests and learning capacity.
Another challenge that educators usually face when applying customized learning methods is how it takes up more time and effort. This will prove to be harder if schools are not equipped with data-driven technology that can help fast track the process of identifying the students’ aptitudes. What happens then is a long term preparation phase that will also entail heavy research in order to deliver exact modules for specific students.
It fosters self-positivity among students.
Customized learning is reported to help students who have low self-esteem develop confidence not only in learning new knowledge but also in terms of being sociable to others and as reliable individuals. This is because customized learning builds their cognitive and physical strengths by pinpointing certain intelligence aspects that educators can help excel and then further develop these strengths through practical teaching. Through individualized instruction, their highest intelligence is honed and is amplified in the way they act, speak, think and interact. They are also able to use their multiple intelligences to complement one another for more fruitful results in personalized assignments. Customized learning is designed in a way that it slowly builds up the competence of a student in how he assesses problems and complications in practical exercises so that they can apply them to real-life situations. They learn to identify their own skills and attune to circumstances while being inclined towards favorable results.

It streamlines the teaching process.
The irony here is that while individualized instructions foster self-positivity in students, it can also wane the confidence of teachers who teach in traditional classrooms. This is mainly due to how today’s methods have become reliant on technologies that can determine a student’s cognitive and physical characteristics more efficiently than by manual review. Somehow, there is fear among teachers in how technology can someday displace their positions as the primary professionals for instruction and education. However, the opposite is more apparent today. During the birth of educational tech a few years back, the main objective is to streamline both academic and administrative processes in schools. This proves to be a win-win proposition for students, parents, administrators, as well as teachers for a number of advantages mainly that it provides more convenient measures and less work. While certain segments of a teacher’s workload can indeed be replaced by today’s educational technology, the rising populations in schools, fortunately, balances the ratio of the number of teachers who can apply customized learning methods to the number of students within a classroom through the help of educational technologies.
Teachers and students learn more.
One undeniable advantage of customized learning is how it encourages the active participation of both students and teachers. In a way, individualized learning also teaches educators new ways on how to approach challenging tasks and different student personalities which keep their motivation up and their minds on constant focus. With this, students are given more leeway to interact with their teachers in a manner that effectively addresses concerns and relays information more clearly. It also allows them to manage their work and choose what areas of education they want to learn more about so that only their strong intelligence, or the ones they are most likely to use in real-life challenges, are advanced. Customized learning gives both students and teachers more opportunities to learn and improve their respective works for better results than other traditional teaching methods.
There is less pressure on students.

Through customized learning programs, students won’t need to experience unnecessary stress and pressure in keeping up with their lessons as methods are usually designed to help them learn at their own pace. This facet is one of the most beneficial aspects that customized learning gives students because it improves their mental and physical wellbeing as well. With today’s available educational technologies, teachers can also apply customized learning in classroom set-ups without the worry of leaving a student behind in terms of intellectual capacity. If a child cannot keep the pace of his classmates’ progress, teachers can focus more on that student’s strong and weak points to come up with other efficient methods that can help them progress further.
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