What do Pablo Picasso, Michael Jackson, and Ryan Gosling have in common besides fame? They all discovered their true passions at a young age and went on to be successful in their chosen fields. For parents who want to provide the best future for their children, knowing about their passions at a young age could spell the difference between an average adult life to one that is truly inspiring and fruitful.
Through correct parental nurturing and guidance, preschoolers can benefit from the great insights that the book has to offer even at their young ages.
These days, children aged six to twelve are more aware of their surroundings thanks to social media and the internet. The good thing is that they are also more informed of various aspects and have the potential to distinguish what they are into at a young age.
For parents who are keen on protecting their children’s best interests, studying their behavior patterns and preferences is the first step to introducing them to more formal learning. Pressure should not follow after you have discovered what your child’s passion truly is. The balance between teaching and nurturing is the key if you want to pursue your child’s true potential.
Here are some tips on how to spot your child’s true passion and how you can help them develop their skills and know-how while growing up.
Try to find out what makes them spark
Most kids will show you what things they are most interested in at an early age. Pablo Picasso already knew how to draw even before he could speak and this talent later developed into full-blown genius as he became an adult.

Try to discover what comes naturally to your child and make sure he is having fun when you ask him to try and do things. Does he like stories? Does he dance a lot? Is Science fascinating to him? Kids at school will show their best interests through their grades so be sure to monitor their report cards often so you can assist them in developing their skills and knowledge on his chosen subjects.
Prioritize what they want
Some parents commit the mistake of pushing their agendas forward rater than that of their children. These parents may err in pressuring their children to learn things they are not yet ready to learn despite being passionate about what they do.
It’s no secret that Michael Jackson was a child prodigy even before he was with the Jackson Five, and it’s no secret either how his father Joe Jackson, pushed his sons to exhaustion to make them the ultimate song and dance-pop troupe. Fortunately, Michael Jackson did turn out to be the King of Pop in adulthood.
Parents can learn a thing or two about prioritizing their child’s interests before their own. Try to offer new ways for them to enjoy their passions and give regard to his experiences as you nurture his gifts and talents. The truth is you are more of a coach to him who can only propose what he could be, and not how he should be.
Teach them to treat a challenge as a friend
While it’s not entirely wrong to be a little bit ‘out there’ in supporting your child to develop his passion, try to limit your presence as a cheerleader and avoid being too pushy.
Your child will encounter obstacles on his own and what he needs from you is genuine support and care as he follows his dreams at a young age. Some good ways to show your support are can be in the form of providing him the necessary equipment he needs, or doctor’s appointment to ensure he’s in tip-top shape. Remember that you’re there to build his character and to teach him that the road to success is a rough one so he might as well treat challenges as avenues for opportunity.
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