Learning Links Academy

4 Hobbies that You Can Start this Summer

It has always been backed by science and human experience that having hobbies lead to personal growth. This can be attributed to the person constantly learning, being grounded on goals, and just having a life outside of work. Hobbies shouldn’t necessarily be costly or time-consuming! With that in mind, we have listed the top 4 hobbies that you can start this summer! Calisthenics or Bodyweight Exercises Going to the gym can be repetitive and boring Read more…

What You Need To Know About GAS

Most schools offer the following strands: GAS or General Academic Strand, HESS or Humanities Education and Social Sciences, ABM or Accountancy and Business Management, and STEM or Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. But which should you choose? And what makes the General Academic Strand special? Why do most students prefer GAS? Senior high school graduates mention that it’s a great option to find the college course you really like, new and cool subjects, chances to Read more…

What to Expect in Senior High School

Senior High School. A new concept introduced in the Philippines just this 2016, though already an applied curriculum on some other countries like Japan, USA, and some European countries, it’s still a fairly new experience for each affected Filipino. Every senior high school has its own programs, curriculums, and offerings so everyone’s experience can differ. Regardless, there are things that make senior high school distinct and common at the same time, preparing students for a Read more…

Admissions Appointment Schedules 2021

Learning Links Academy is already accepting reservations for S.Y. 2021-2022 for preschool and elementary! Regular enrollment for all levels is as follows: Preschool: May 13-17, 2021 Grade 1-2: May 20-31 Grade 3-4: June 3-14 Grade 5-6: June 17-28 For questions or inquiries, feel free to drop us a message! Inquire Now * indicates required Concern AdmissionsWorkshopsPaymentsOther ProgramSenior HighJunior HighElementaryPreschoolOther How did you hear about us? * FacebookGoogle SearchFriends or FamilyEventsOther Level Senior High Junior High Read more…

Admission Requirements for S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Pre-school Application Form with 2×2 Picture Birth Certificate Report Card (2nd schooling) Interview Grade School to High School Application Form with 2×2 Picture Birth Certificate (photocopy) Report Card Certificate of Good Moral Character Entrance Examination Foreign Students Application Form with 2×2 Picture ACR & SSP Birth Certifcate/passport (photocopy) Form 137 or Transcipt of Records Translated in English and authenticated by the Embassy Entrance Examination Latest Developmental Pediatrician Report (if needed) Download the necessary forms here: Read more…